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XCMG Crane helps the construction of green power in Northwest China
XCMG Crane helps the construction of green power in Northwest China
Release Date: December 17, 2021

XCMG's equipment order delivery ushers in a peak period. On December 11, the ceremony of XCMG XGC15000A (1000 tons) crawler cranes participating in the construction of northwest wind power base was grandly held.


The goal of "double carbon" has brought great impetus to the manufacturing industry and opened up a broad space for high-quality development. Under the call of "double carbon" strategy, the wind power industry is bound to continue to make rapid progress. In this context, a series of XCMG products, technologies and applications will burst out more energy and broader value.


Once launched, XGC15000A has been favored by the industry, taking the lead in the kiloton market, and the market ownership is far ahead. Behind this is XCMG's scientific and technological innovation combination of improving the construction of science and technology platform, gathering strategic scientific and technological forces and increasing R & D investment.


The longest wind power working condition combination of XGC15000A boom is 172m + 12m, covering the hoisting of 170m 5-6mw wind turbine. It is the only kiloton crane with standard boom, double arm, widened boom and ultra wide boom in the industry.


With diversified and efficient operation capacity and practical hoisting performance, XGC15000A can meet the needs of large-scale wind power installation in the next 5-10 years. XCMG XGC15000A gives users the confidence to continuously obtain business returns.

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