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XCMG new energy's 2022 new product launch was grandly held
XCMG new energy's 2022 new product launch was grandly held
Release Date: January 07, 2022

On December 30, witnessed by more than 200 industry leaders and 600,000 online visitors, XCMG new energy's 2022 new product launch was grandly held and the "e-Blue" new energy heavy truck brand was officially released.

At the press conference, a total of 14 charging and replacement heavy trucks were displayed, covering application scenarios such as highway logistics, mine construction, municipal sanitation and urban construction. Among them, XCMG's electric tractor needs only 3-5 minutes to change electricity. Compared with the ordinary charging mode, it can save nearly 1000 hours per 100,000 km, save 4 million liters of diesel per 100 units per year and reduce 12,500 tons of carbon emission. 

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